Earth Day

We celebrated Earth Day today on campus by having chapel outside on the quad. We did not print a program, pulled out the old hymnals for singing, and heard some beautiful music from students. Dr. Paul Klawinski spoke to us about environmental ethics and what we can do to be good to the Earth. We bought carbon offsets from for the energy we used with the sound system.

We are also planting a Missouri native burr oak tree on campus as part of our Earth Day celebrations, and we invite everyone to make a small donation towards the purchase of the tree. Dr. Klawinski told us that for the small investment we make in this tree, the tree will give back $49,000 in services to the campus in terms of environmental impact (producing oxygen, helping with water run-off, etc.) As Dr. Klawinski said, this sounds like a pretty good investment! Let me know if you're interested in contributing. 816-415-7551