An Inspirational Movie

In Service-Learning class today I showed my students a great movie about Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement called Entertaining Angels.

Dorothy Day was involved in the women's suffragist movement and later was inspired by the message of Jesus she read in the Bible to open up her home to those who found themselves homeless in the great depression. This simple act grew into a worldwide movement of offering hospitality to the poor that still lives strong today.

There are hundreds of Catholic Worker houses and communities inspired by Dorothy Day around the world, continuing the work of hospitality and protest today; a few of them are right here in Kansas City. One community, Cherith Brook, is right up the street from my house in NE KC. I am taking my students to another, the Shalom House, next week to visit and serve the men who are staying there.

If you are interested in this movements, I encourage you to poke around the websites I have linked to above, rent Entertaining Angels, and pop in to one of the houses in your area. You will be welcomed!